Batang Kali group to soldier on

UALA LUMPUR: The Action Committee Con-demning the Batang Kali Massacre will not give up their fight despite a refusal by the British government to hold an inquiry into the 1948 massacre.

Datuk Dominic Puthucheary

Datuk Dominic Puthucheary

Lawyer Datuk Dominic Puthucheary said the committee was determined to fight Britain’s provisional decision to reject any probe into the killings.

“We will pursue without doubt until justice is done. It must be resolved by establishing the truth. It cannot continue with all these uncertainties and anxiety on how and why it happened.

“Until that is cleared, we are determined and we are going to continue the fight,” he told a press conference yesterday.

The lawyers representing the committee met with British government officials in July and Britain replied in a letter this month that it is “minded not to establish a public inquiry and not to take any other investigation in to those events”. Continue reading


Press Conference on 29/8/2009

Press Conference on 29/8/2009








“英政府的拒絕理由,沒有從人類普世價值觀出發,我方基於分清是非及伸張正義的大前提下,堅持要向英政府討回公道,以維護大馬人的尊嚴。” Continue reading