


工委会週五(1月30日)召开新闻发佈会表达不满,义务律师团召集人郭义民表示,他们将以法律及政治行动两种双管齐下的方式,促请英国政府重新检讨决定。 Continue reading

拒查英军屠杀24胶工案‧工委会对英国失望 (光明日报)




工委会於今日(週五,1月30日)召开记者会表达不满,义务律师团召集人郭义民表示,他们将以法律及政治行动两种双管齐下的方式,促请英国政府重新检讨决定。 Continue reading

Press Conference on 30 Jan in response to British’s Reply

Britain says “No” to Batang Kali heirs

(Source: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/97317)

Sixty years after the incident and a recent submission of a memorandum to Queen Elizabeth II and the British government, the Batang Kali massacre action committee described the official rejection of a public inquiry on the incident as “very dissapointing”. Continue reading

Press Statement on 30 Jan 2009

Press Statement


1.        Following the petitions submitted by the Action Committee Condemning the Batang Kali Massacre on both 25 March and 12 December 2008, the British High Commissioner, HE Boyd McCleary, being the representative of HM Queen Elizabeth II in Malaysia, has been directed to reply to the petitions on 21 January 2009.


2.        The British Government claims that they have carefully considered the petitions and concludes that “in view of the findings of 2 previous investigations that there was insufficient evidence to pursue prosecutions in this case, and in the absence of any new evidence, regrettable we see no reason to reopen or start a fresh investigation.” It is understood that the 2 previous investigation referred to the 1949 and the 1970 investigations.


3.        The Action Committee is disappointed and absolutely not convinced with the British Government reply because the latter has not taken into account the inherent unsatisfactory and incomplete nature of the previous 2 investigations. Instead, the British Government has taken into account an irrelevant consideration of pursuing criminal prosecution, which is not intended or demanded by the surviving families of the massacre. Continue reading